Innovative Inclusive Design, LLC
DBA Deborah Ann Interiors
Universal Home Design Assessment
The Universal Design Home Assessment assists homeowners in transforming their home to be universally accessible, meaning the home is designed for the needs of all living in and using the space. The assessment can apply to the whole home or any particular area of the home. It includes a holistic, client-centered room-by-room walk through to determine how the homeowner, family and guests utilize the space. After the assessment, clients are provided a written report and a one hour consultation to present the results of the assessment.
Universal Design Commercial Assessment
Building a new commercial space and want to ensure it is universally accessible? Looking to upgrade your commercial interior to be universally accessible? The Universal Design Commercial Assessment assists clients in transforming their commercial space to meet the needs of all using the space. The assessment is comprised of a holistic walk through to determine how to best incorporate universal design principles into your commercial space. After the assessment, clients are provided a written report and a one hour phone consultation to present the results of the assessment.
Universal Community Design Assessment
Building a new community or redesigning an existing community? From walkways to parks to home clusters, our team will work with you to apply universal design principles to the community space, while taking into account the unique design and usability needs of your community. The Universal Design Community Assessment includes a community walk-through, a written report and a one hour consultation to provide our recommendations for your community.
Home Fall Risk and Safety Assessment
Falls in the home are the leading cause of emergency room injuries and often cause physical and financial stress. The Home Fall Risk and Safety Assessment helps clients ensure their home is as safe as possible by identifying and fixing fall risk and safety issues in the home environment. The assessment includes an extensive client-centered interview to understand the client's functional needs as well as a room-by-room home walk through to assess fall and safety risks. After the assessment, the client will receive a detailed report and action plan checklist for how to improve fall risk and safety in their home to make their home a safer place to live.
Hospital to Home Assessment
Recently returning from the hospital? The Hospital to Home Assessment assists clients in determining what updates are needed in the home to suit their evolved functional needs. The assessment includes a holistic, room-by-room home walk through as well as a detailed report and action plan checklist for how to improve home safety and comfort.